Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Blues and Summer Tunes

Ahh. Sometimes in the Winter I just feel trapped. Like I can't do anything. Like the life is sucked out of everything around me. Maybe not exactly that bad but still...sometimes I get the Winter blues. It's harder for me to workout in the Winter. To feel motivated. To be full of life. Sometimes...I just adore Winter. I mean the gorgeous Winter sky is just...breathtaking. But I like to feel like I'm getting somewhere. Like I'm accomplishing things and I don't feel like that a lot in Winter. But I'm praying and working on changing that this Winter. And now...I'm getting excited about that! Change, I mean. Change is an amazing thing...sometimes it's so darn scary but others times...it's just so wonderful. It's fresh. It's new. It's clean.

But I really do love Summertime.

The no school. The working outside. The reservoir beach days. The late nights. The sound of the dirt track. Vacation Bible School days praising Jesus and loving little kids. Christian camp and more praising Jesus.
County Fair.
Country music blasting.
Windows down.
AC on high.
Sweet Summer Time

This Summer I am determined to have more fun with how I dress. Be more courageous. Wear those sundresses whenever I feel like it. Take an extra half hour to make it be a "cute" day.

Anywho...it's not sweet summer time...yet.
But for now I will be content with the season God has given me.

This is actually from last Winter {2010}. My friend Marissa and I at out homeschool classes:)

Picture taken at the reservoir one early day in Summer 2011:) Four of us went that day {My oldest sister Lizz, second sister Abi and their best friend and our third sister, Steph}

Memorial Day 2011 at my Uncle and Aunt's farm...playing on their granddaughter's toys:)
{Enjoy the little things in life...literally.}

I'm very proud of this. As of last Summer I can still fit into our dryer. AND close the door! Boosh.

My kittie, Howie, and I studying Chemistry in my room this Fall

Happy Tuesday!
hannah dorothy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's Raining Babies

So my last post was wee bit depressing. Sorry about that. My point was simply that my life isn't easy but it sure is wonderful. I forgot to mention the fact that we cannot do this awfully hard life on our own. It's impossible for us to do those hard, selfless things without the power of God giving us strength. But..it's such a beautiful thing. Needing God. Needing His strength. Because you really do need Him. I cannot on my own strength be the selfless person I'm called to be. But God is enough. He gives me His strength for those times when I feel like I can't go one more step towards that person.

Yesterday I got to spend a bunch of time with one of the cutest babies in the world. This little guy is a good little man, he doesn't complain a lot as long as he's got something to do:) He's got these round cheekies that melt your heart. I absoluately love children. Specifically babies. Good gosh. There's just nothin' like them.

Their squishy, soft skin. Their wide open, searching eyes. Their precious little squeels and happy cries. Their tiny, little baby feeties. Their most adorable little noses. And their sweet, innocent smiles. Their heart shattering unhappy cries.

They're just for serious wonderful, precious gifts from God.
I cannot wait to have my own precious babies.

Pinterest...oh Pinterest, what have you done to me? I'll tell you what you've done, you've made me a hopeless dreamer. One of my absolute favorite things to pin is house stuff. From decorating ideas to organization tips, they make me all giddy inside for the house I'll one day have to organize and make a home.

My heart melts at the thought of both of these huge, wonderful life happenings.

Winter 2010 Snow Angel:) We haven't gotten any snow this winter yet:(

My precious cousin and I after Thanksgiving dinner in 2010. This boy makes me laugh.

hannah dorothy

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Lovely

Crazy. That's one word that comes to mind when I think of my life lately. But also, lovely.

~It's lovely to have a cheap dinner at Taco Bell {$3.95 Powned.} with your two lovely sisters after the first day back at school.
~It's lovely to make cookies and watch people enjoy them.
~It's lovely to dump on your sisters worries and struggles no one else would understand.
~It's lovely to pray in the moonlight.
~It's lovely to have such a green winter.
~It's lovely to know God gives grace even when we don't deserve it.
~It's lovely to be living.
~It's lovely to feel good after working out.
~My God is lovely.
Sometimes life happens. 
Sometimes harsh words pour out onto the people you love. 
Sometimes you feel broken down. 
Sometimes you don't feel pretty.
Sometimes you don't act pretty.
But all the time, our God is faithful. 
All the time He is good.
All the time He forgives you.
All the time He is changing you.
All the time you can choose to be selfless instead of selfish.

God's been showing me lately that life is easy  hard.
It takes a lot of hard, painful, faithful work to be the person I was meant to be. Everyday, I have to work hard to be selfless and ignore what I want to do and do what God wants me to. Sometimes I just plain don't want to be selfless. But I can guarantee that the feeling you have after you've done your selfish deed and hurt those you love (or maybe don't love so much) you feel like dirty laundry. Like something that should be thrown out. It's an awful feeling, and I'm all too familiar with it. One of my 2012 Goals is to be selfless. It's such a beautiful thing, I want to be a part of it. 

2012 has begun. What are you doing differently?
Hannah Dorothy 2012
~Peace. One of my three words for the year. Jesus is my Prince of Peace. I want to be His princess.
~Compassion. Second word of 2012. This world is harsh and cruel. I want to change that.
~Purity. My last word of 2012. This means so much to me this year. I do so many things that compromise my hearts purity. Those foul words I hear, those foul things I see, those crazy jokes I laugh at. My heart will be pure for my Lord, the Holy One.
~Verse - John 3:30 He must become greater, I must become less.
Have a wonderful 2012 lovelies. Let's let this be the year we let God change our generation, if we'll let Him, He could use us to change the world. 

hannah dorothy

This is a blurred picture of the moon from last Spring/Summer<3
  Another picture of our God's amazing creation.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pinterest Lovin'

I'm such a bad blogger...I really do enjoy blogging, I swear. It's just hard to find the time, and I usually have to be in the right kinda mood. I have completely and 100% failed at Fotography Friday. Possibly because my computer is so stinking slow at adding them...and I've just totally forgotten about it. So anyway...I haven't blogged in a veery long time so prepare for a run down of absoluately random things.

Pinterest Lovin'
Number One
I made these adorable little pretzel snack things. They are addictive. For real.
Its round pretzels sprinkled with mini chocolate chips. Put them in the oven until the chocolate has melted but not lost it's shape, remove and stick M&M's in the middle. Let cool and enjoy. <----
Make a bunch because they're amazing.

Note the chocolate coverd pretzels to the left. Also very yummy.

Click here for the how to:)

Number Two
I made buckeyes! Yum, those things have been my mama's family favorite for a long time but we haven't made them forever. So even though my Pinterest recipe wasn't the best they did turn out:)

Number Three
I made mint bark! It was probably the easiest thing I did that day and super yummy.
Click here for the recipe!

Number Four
These are from a long time ago but..they're just sooo good I gotta share. My friends looved them even though I think they were a wee bit underbaked. There's nothing like people liking your baking, seriously.
Click HERE for deliciousness.

Number Five
This afternoon I made these yummy things. {Note to self: Do not use unsweetend chocolate to drizzle. Yuck}

Number Six
For my best friend and also for my sister, Abi, I redecorated headbands! It was fun and super simple. Find or buy a headband, doesn't matter what it looks like you're going to cover it. Dot some hot glue on one end and secure one end of the ribbon, wrap the ribbon and use hot glue to secure the other end. Now add whatever you want. A bow, beads and bow and beads:) I added lace to my sister's and it's soo cute.

Number Seven
My sister and my fake sister (my sister's best friend) got these paperclip earrings. They didn't turn out exactly like I'd hoped but when my sister wore them the other night they were really cute with her blonde hair:)

Number Eight
My favorite gift possibly of this Christmas were the Praise Journals I made for my sisters and mama. I tore pieces of vintage looking paper and hot glued them to a regular composition notebook. I used my mama's caligraphy pens to write Praise Journal across the front. They turned out adorable if I do say so myself.

So far I think that's all I've made off of Pinterest but much more is to come:) And I'm super excited about it!

We've made so many Christmas cookies this season I swear I gained at least ten pounds from them alone.

Recently I've started one of my favorite book series of all time...again. I'm currently re-reading Anne of Green Gables. YES! Gosh she never gets old. She's so...innocent. She's so joyful. She's so Anne. She brings back so many memories and I'm absouately loving reading those books again.

That's all for now my friends, hopefully I'll be back soon!
hannah dorothy

Here are some random pictures to kinda highlight my life these past weeks, enjoy!

My sister Abi and I the night of Christmas:) Happy Birthday Jesus!

My sister, me and our precious friend Melissa at her New Years Eve party:)

My sister's and I made gingerbread houses with these five kiddos:)

Thanks for the adventures 2011, lets go have some new ones. <3