Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's Raining Babies

So my last post was wee bit depressing. Sorry about that. My point was simply that my life isn't easy but it sure is wonderful. I forgot to mention the fact that we cannot do this awfully hard life on our own. It's impossible for us to do those hard, selfless things without the power of God giving us strength.'s such a beautiful thing. Needing God. Needing His strength. Because you really do need Him. I cannot on my own strength be the selfless person I'm called to be. But God is enough. He gives me His strength for those times when I feel like I can't go one more step towards that person.

Yesterday I got to spend a bunch of time with one of the cutest babies in the world. This little guy is a good little man, he doesn't complain a lot as long as he's got something to do:) He's got these round cheekies that melt your heart. I absoluately love children. Specifically babies. Good gosh. There's just nothin' like them.

Their squishy, soft skin. Their wide open, searching eyes. Their precious little squeels and happy cries. Their tiny, little baby feeties. Their most adorable little noses. And their sweet, innocent smiles. Their heart shattering unhappy cries.

They're just for serious wonderful, precious gifts from God.
I cannot wait to have my own precious babies.

Pinterest...oh Pinterest, what have you done to me? I'll tell you what you've done, you've made me a hopeless dreamer. One of my absolute favorite things to pin is house stuff. From decorating ideas to organization tips, they make me all giddy inside for the house I'll one day have to organize and make a home.

My heart melts at the thought of both of these huge, wonderful life happenings.

Winter 2010 Snow Angel:) We haven't gotten any snow this winter yet:(

My precious cousin and I after Thanksgiving dinner in 2010. This boy makes me laugh.

hannah dorothy


  1. hey dear. :)

    i didn't know you blog. so fun. yes. of course you can quote me.

    i hope you are doing well.


    1. i couldn't help myself after seeing how fun it is and how God can use it:) thanks so much!
      i am, i hope you are:)


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