Thursday, February 9, 2012

Camo Cake

Hey all! I'm sincerely sorry if his post is a little off, I'm blogging from my sister's itouh as mine is loading Diner Dash (boosh. Don't judge.) and she's on the laptop and I'm unable to get to another computer.
I wanted to share my utter excitement about he recent cake I made. That's right, you guessed was a camouflage came! So much fun, man, for real. I made it for my uncle who runs an elk farm/hunting range with his little brother (and my other uncle). I wanted to do something fun that had to do with animals or hunting and this is what I came up with!
I mixed up a regular vanilla cake mix (I used the yokes, I think it helped get the colors I wanted) and then decided the mix evenly into three bowls. I added green food coloring to one, green, blue and yellow food coloring to another and brown and a little green to the last. It takes kind of a lot of food coloring but don't worry about it affecting the flavor, it doesn't. Then I just started plopping the different colors into two round cake pans. It's Camo so don't worry about how it mixes. When it came out I was a little scared about how the top looked, a little brown/tan. But once we cut it I was soo pleased! It was a lot of fun to make and it turned out great!
I'm afraid I can't add an image from the itouh, at least I don't know how to. I will add a picture as soon as possible!
Meanwhile, my Diner Dash is loaded!;)
hannah dorothy