Sunday, August 28, 2011

Short and Sweet

I've felt like blogging kind of all day...I don't know why. Maybe I wanted to say that Jesus is just really cool and I love Him. Or perhaps I wanted to share that babies really make me smile. OR possibly it was the desire to talk to someone and share my wonderful day in church. Eh, probably all of those things combined. But, it's late and I should get to bed. So, I'll make this short and sweet.
I'm not really sure how to not make this next sentence cheesy so I'l just say it (cheese included) I wanna hear from you! What are topics YOU want to talk about? Not just have me blab at you about, but what are things you want to have a conversation with a fourteen year old Christian girl? OR what would you like to hear me blog about? Let me know! Until then these posts will stay a little random at best haha. I hope to soon blog about some Jesus stuff but at the moment I NEED to get to bed, and I can't do that until I get off this computer and spend some time with Jesus. SO! Comment and give me some ideas of what issues are important to you that you're struggling with and want an opinion on. I cannot promise I'll be right but I'll do my best in blogging in a non judgemental way from a Jesus loving background.
Jesus loves you!,
Hannah Dorothy

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sophomore Year? {Jerehmiah 29:11}

Today was the first day of school. Ah! WHERE did summer go?! It honestly went WOOSH and was gone. I spent the last night of summer babysitting four of THE cutest little boys ever. Four little blonde brothers and did I mention the middle two are twins? Yeah. I know. I'm blessed to know such precious people:) Any-who-diddle...this morning I got up at ten to eight, showered and got ready for school. By the time I helped my sister pack our lunch for school it was time to go at about ten fifteen.
Oh. You're probably really lost...haha see I'm homeschooled. GASP! No, I'm not a shletred freak who doesn't know who Justin Bieber is. Not saying homeschoolers are freaks, cause they're not, but that's how a lot of people see homeschoolers I know. I've been homeschooled all my life and I'm nearly fifteen. The following list is answers to some expected questions about homeschooling/homeschoolers...
- Yes, sometimes I don't get dressed and do my school in my PJ's.
- Yes, I do sleep in a lot but this year I plan to change that. And P.S. A lot of homeschoolers do NOT sleep in at all. I'm just...special
- Yes, I infact have many friends and some of them are even NOT homeschooled!
- No, I do not consider myself socially awkward and yes I can carry on a pretty lively conversation with people outside of my family.
- Yes, I'm allowed to leave the house.
- No, I don't finish my school by noon, although some of my friends are that cool and can get it done that early.
There ya have it. If you still have questions feel free to ask;)
So even though I'm homeschooled, my family is part of a homeschool group which pretty much's a public school for homeschoolers...ok so not EXACTLY. In MY homeschool group we have fieldtrips galore, a library where we can check out all kinds of stuff (school books, reading books, games, whatever) and classes. The classes are anything from electives to basics like math, composition, literature, history and so on.
SO we headed out to school (I call it school, and just an FYI these classes take place at an elementary school that our homeschool group is run through. Oh and the classes are only with other homeschooled kids) and got there for my first class. Chemistry. Yay? Haha it's not that bad.  I actually think it'll be kinda fun. And after class (which is like 2hours with a lunch break in the middle) I had a free period with my sister and my two best friends (they happen to be sisters too). That was about an hour and half. My sister and I played scrabble on my itouch and talked with my friends. Then it was Spanish class. And it went surprisingly well! I understood way more than I thought I would and Jesus was totally holding my hand through the whole class:) And I'm looking forward to Spanish 3 and actually memorizing like I should:P Anyway...that was about my first day. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for this school year. But, unlike last year, I REFUSE to let school be my number one. God is the ONLY One. If that made any sense. I'm REALLY looking forward to AWANA starting again. AWANA is pretty much a youth group for ages like...four year olds to High Schoolers.
Random. The other night at youth group (Different youth group, it's called Gravity and is super great.) we were going over some verses I'd read a lot and talking about other Bible stories I'd heard a bunch. As I sat there nodding my head and a bit dazed I looked over at the looks on  the other high schoolers faces. I don't think they've been churched all their lives like I have so it makes sense what I saw. Total awe. (That rhymed. Just sayin') They were amazed at a story I was like "Yeah, yeah, I've heard this one before." And it made me think.  Shouldn't that be MY reaction? I mean those stories ARE amazing<--- but just because I've heard the stories a bunch doesn't make them any less amazing. Something to think about. Oh. And Jesus is great. I love Him a lot.
Well there you have it. My first REAL post! Haha, I hope a bunch more are to come. But before you close this window, COMMENT! The reason I started this blog was to talk to others about life and God so get talkin'!
Jesus loves you,
Hannah Dorothy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hello For the First Time!

Hey y'all!
I'm so excited to be starting this blog and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I'm sure I'll enjoy writing it! I should warn you now though...I have a serious problem with rambling about people/things I love...especially Jesus. It's safe to say pretty much every post will have something to do with my Savior since He's the reason for the blog! The whole reason I'm starting this blog is because I believe in fellowship with other believers. It's SO important to encourage each other in our faith and to help each other through hard times! This blog will be a place for me to express my thoughts, dreams, hopes, prayers, questions and much more. I hope to be able to help others in their walk with our precious Lord and at ALL times feel FREE to ask questions! I don't want this blog to be a place that is full of judgment and Bible thumping. I want it to be a place where I can challange you (and YOU challange me!) in your faith to help it grow stronger as I try desperately to cling to Jesus along with you. Romans 12:2 is my life verse. God tells me with this verse, you CAN change, you don't have to be caught up in the worlds ways! I want to please the Lord above all else with this blog.
Check back for my first REAL post!
Sweet dreams,
Hannah Dorothy