Sunday, November 6, 2011


Whew....this has been a long weekend! But a GREAT one! Where to begin...hmmm....perhaps at the...beginning? Yes, I think so.
On Friday a mixture of high schoolers from my church, my youth group, and the town youth group (small town youth group happens) loaded up and headed out in pursuit of Breakaway 2011. Breakaway is a high school conference where you compete with other church groups in a bunch of competitions. Basketball, volleyball, ping-pong, fine arts, drama and music are just a few. Our group totalled thirteen. Ten kids and three "sponsers" (leaders). The leaders were the couple with the little blonde kiddos I've talked about before? (Is that creepy that I talk about other's children on my blog? Hmmm.....) and my sister, Lizz. My other sister, Abi, and I were the two homeschoolers of the group, but everyone was so super sweet and accepting. We stopped for supper at KFC and were in and out in about ten minutes (we ate in the car). Boosh. Abi and I had been to this Taco Bell/KFC before with her best friend Steph and Steph's little brother, Andrew (He's a teenager just for the record). It'd been a long day at the Nationwide race and after driving into the ghetto looking for a food place Abi wanted to get our food, eat and get on the road but we were failing at deciding between KFC or T. Bell. As we were sitting in the drive-through not making decisions Abi knew we needed to hurry up. In an exasperated voice she said "Ok, chicken or poopy?". Oh we love you.
We loaded back up and hit the road. I either read, "napped" or looked out the window. First we had to go to the high school where it was all goin' down. Registration, signing in Abi's and my photography, 3-point shots, and dodglball followed. One of the guys in our group won the guy 3-pointers and one of the girls in our group either won the girl 3-pointers or girl free throws and I just don't remember which it was:P After all that went down dodgeball was the last thing (leaders vs. kids) and then we headed to the hotel. The leaders had a meeting, we had our first "sessio" with the speaker. He was fantastic! We hung out a little, made t-shirts (yeeeees!) and went to bed around 2am after the session. For the record...I. was. free. ZING. during the night...always take sweats for overnights in November, people....always.
The next day after breakfast we went to the high school to start out the day with boys basketball three-on-three. We didn't make it very far but it was fun! One of the girls brought a cow bell...yep. It kinda made my day. Abi and I did good on our pictures, she got second on one (BOOSH!) and I got third on one of mine. After much sweet encouragement and poking from everyone I decided to play girls basketball with the other other girls with us (well...Abi didn't play, so there were five girls in all...but uh, anyway). It was a super fun day. People on our team competed in volleyball, ping-pong, backgammon, chess, free throws, basketball, photography and...I think that's it. But we watched friends compete in drama and "badle of the bands" and anything else we happened to notice them doing. It was a bunch of fun. Our team got to the championship game of volleyball so we were the last church there other than the other church playing. When we got back to the hotel we got ready for the awards banquet.
Hold up, wait a minute put a little LOVE in it!
Sorry...all I really wanted to say was hold up but that song was playing today so I thought I'd just finish it=) Anyway, my hold up is I have a major craving for french silk pie right now. Like for real...I cannot wait for Thanksgiving.
The banquet was fun, afterwards we had another session. It was amazing...the Holy Spirit was totally moving, at least in our group He was. After the session we talked for a while and the leaders gave a chance for the teens in our group to pray and give their lives to Jesus and to recommit. Everyone prayed something and a lot of us were crying. And Jesus...well...He was working. <3
 We got up off our knees and hung out while some of the groups went to get the pizza we orderd. We ate and drank (Don't worry, it was pop;) and it was fun. Today we had breakfast, moved out of our rooms and went to session numero tres. The worship was great! A guy from our town was actually leading it with his band! The style was super cool, rock. Mhm. Rocking for Jesus.
We left around...I don't know when:P But stopped soon after for lunch and then hit the road. The van with the girls in it wasn't very lively since we all slept, save for the driver of course;)
So here I is. it was a totally fun weekend and I hope I'll blog more in depth about the sessions later on.
Thanks for reading:)
Hannah Dorothy 


  1. HeHe. you make me laugh. Glad you had a great time, dear!

  2. Well, geee...thanks;) Thanks, love!
    <3 , Hannah Dorothy


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